Fashion. Lifestyle. Media.


Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Claudia! I started The Atomic Blonde blog whilst I was at Uni studying English Literature & Creative Writing at the University of Kent & the University of South Carolina. I wanted a space where I could share all those little things that pop up in my life that I love, and thought others would love too. Think music, think coffee, think travel; anything I can think of that inspires me to write will somehow end up on this blog. So, if you like, or dislike, any of the content I write about, leave a comment! Get involved. All suggestions are welcome.

So, what am I doing now…

I have now not-so-officially entered the real world by working at UMG for 6 months to save up to travel across Oceania and South East Asia, so watch this space for travel tips and stories from one backpacker to another. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Got a question? Feel free to pop me an email:

The Atomic Blonde

The Atomic Blonde

On the go blogger & full-time coffee drinker.

Let’s connect:


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